Malus rootstock Geneva® 890 clonal rootstock - Geneva® 890 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock
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Geneva® 890 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock

Malus rootstock 'Geneva® 890 clonal rootstock'
Geneva(R) 890 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock, 1/4" caliper grade -EACH
Geneva(R) 890 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock, 1/4" caliper grade -Bundle of 10
Geneva(R) 890 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock, 1/4" caliper grade -Bundle of 25
  • Summary
  • Hardiness Zone & More

Geneva® 890 is a newer semi-dwarf rootstock in the EMLA 7 to EMLA 106  size class.  It will produce a tree that is about 50-70% of standard.  It is resistant to wooly apple aphid and highly resistant to fire-blight.  Like all Genevas it is tolerant of replant conditions, crown rot and phytophthera.  It is cold hardy and productive.  It is not reported to be virus sensitive.

The Geneva rootstocks were all developed at Cornell University in New York.  Since fire blight is such a serious challenge to commercial growers, their goal was to breed for fire blight and other disease resistance in the "CG" or "Cornell-Geneva" rootstocks.  Almost all of the Geneva rootstocks have high fire blight resistance or immunity, and have proven to be excellent rootstocks for "re-plant" situations.  Most backyard growers don't have to worry about "re-plant disease" since they don't have commercial orchard sites which may have been re-planted to apples numerous times.

Apples are probably the easiest trees to propagate.  Grandpa recommends "chip" budding, which is easy to learn and highly successful.  Since we cannot ship these early enough in the season, we do not recommend "bench grafting".    You usually can start chip budding when your scionwood is mature and buds are developed and readily and easily cut and removed from your scion stick.  Usually by August in most areas.

Rootstock for Backyard Nurserymen