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Grafting Wax

Grafting Wax
1 Pound bar-Argo-Whitney's Grafting Wax
5 pound can- Argo-Whitney's Bench Grafting Wax
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The Argo-Whitney's Grafting wax is pliable and seals grafting wounds when top working grafts into existing trees..  Warmed by holding in your hand and applying it to the open parts of grafts in tree and filling open gaps or cracks.   This wax differs from a bench grafting wax which must be heated to a higher temperature and which is used form sealing bench grafts.  When used in the field, it is recommended that the whole graft be re-sealed  and coated with a thick liquid sealant or latex paint.

The Argo-Whitney's Bench Grafting wax is used for sealing the tips and sometimes coating to whole scion and graft area of bench grafts.  Sealing the tip of the cut scion keeps it from drying out.  Sealing the whole scion is often not necessary, but does not hurt. 

Grafting wax is predominantly bees wax.  When conditions are too cold the wax is somewhat brittle and so needs to be warmed up enough to be pliable and workable.  It will normally become molten around boiling temperature of water.  If heating, be careful as it should be heated in a double boiler or pan of water and not directly in contact with the heat source. 

Grafting wax is one of the most common sealants used by grafters.  When doing whip & tongue, rind, cleft, kerf or other types of grafts, a sealant of some kind is necessary to keep the scion from drying out.  Usually just the exposed tip of the scion is waxed over, but waxing the entire scion piece is not harmful.  As the weather warms up, the wax becomes more pliable and any covered buds will push through or will push the wax cap off easily.

On cleft or kerf grafts, sealing the exposed cleft or cuts on the rootstock or cut-off trunk or limbs needs to be done to prevent disease from entering those bigger, exposed cuts.  Grafting was can be used for that, although other sealants are available too.  Grandpa hopes to be able to offer them in the future.