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Winter Banana Apple

Malus domestica 'Winter Banana'
  • Summary
  • Hardiness Zone & More

Winter Banana is one of the most beautiful apples in appearnace. It is a large apple with strickingly beautiful pale yellow, waxy skin usually blushed with a delicate rosy pink. Flesh is moderately firm, slightly coarse, crips, tangy and juicy. It's distinctive, aromatic flavor, similar to a banana, is a favorite for cider and fresh eating. Ripens during October and November.

Grandpa thinks Winter Banana would be an excellent "deer" apple since deer see yellow readily, and the apple ripens late and hangs on the tree well.

Originated on the Flory farm in Cass County, Indiana in 1876 but introduced in 1890. Our strain is called compact, because it has lots of spurs and is less vigourous than the original non-spur variety.

Winter Banana is quite vigorous and can be susceptible to fire blight. It is an excellent source of pollen and is still used extensively in commercial orchards just for pollination.

Golden yellow
Apple--- Hardy Varieties