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Fuji-Red Fuji Apple (Regular Late Season)
Malus domestica 'Fuji'
Red Fuji Apple on Semi-Dwarf (EMLA 7) root - Extra Large 5/8" up caliper grade
Red Fuji Apple on Dwarf (EMLA 26) root - Extra Large 5/8" up caliper grade
- Summary
- Hardiness Zone & More
- » Red Fuji Apple is a great late ripening apple for those with real "sweet tooths".
Grandpa's Choice™ Red Fuji apple is our selection of the world famous late harvesting fuji that everyone sees in the produce store. It ripens late in the fall season, with Braeburn and Granny Smith. It can be very successfully grown in most Zone 5 areas, but will not mature to its full sweetness usually. Flavor though is excellent.
Grandpa visited Japan once, (not during the war though!) but never did go to the experiment station where Fuji was bred. Japanese people seem to love large, sweet apples and so most of the introductions from Japan are sweet and of good size. The original Fuji tree from which all other fuji strains and trees originated from is apparently still alive and revered in Japan.
Red Fuji blooms mid-late season and needs proper pollination with other apple varieties. It tends to bear biennially so, thin fruit early and aggressively on the "on" years when a large crop is expected, otherwise a large number of small apples will result, and next years crop may be non-existent. Spray for scab like most varieties and watch out for fire blight if grown too vigorously.
- Height
- 12-16
- Spread
- 12-14
- Zone
- 5-8
- Color
- Bright red
- Categories
- Apple--- Cider Varieties,
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