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Grandpa's SummerGold Apple

Malus domestica 'Grandpa's SummerGold'
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Grandpa's SummerGold (formerly known as just Grandpa's Gold) is one of the best early summer apples around. Slightly later picking than Lodi, which is closely resembles. The large fruit ripens early in August. The flesh is white and the skin yellow-green and smooth. It has excellent tart flavor early on, but as it hangs on the tree it gets sweeter and the flavor improves. For a summer apple it stores quite well and hangs on the trees for several weeks.

This apple became one of Grandpa's favorite varieties. As a boy, Grandpa ate many a Lodi apple and always came away with a "belly ache", but when he was older and planted Grandpa's SummerGold, no more stomach aches! Grandpa's SummerGold was introduced in 1979 by one of Grandpa's nursery friends under a different name and he planted several blocks of them. As they hang on the trees, the apples get better and better!  Grandpa's used to call this Grandpa's Gold, but decided to change the name to SummerGold since it reflects the season it ripens better, and to cause less confusion with another variety that Grandpa offers with gold in the name. 

Golden yellow
Apple--- Cider Varieties