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Golden Delicious Apple

Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious'
Golden Delicious Apple on Semi-Dwarf (EMLA 7) root - Extra Large 5/8" up caliper grade
Golden Delicious Apple on Dwarf (EMLA 26) root - Extra large 5/8" up caliper grade
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  • »  Golden Delicious is one of Grandma's favorite apples, she used it for all uses.

Grandpa's Choice™ Golden Delicious! Grandpa and many people rate it still as one of the best all-purpose apples every grown. Grandpa's strain is more russet resistant than the original Golden Delicious, but has all the same qualities--- large, sweet, juicy golden yellow fruit. It is a favorite for pies, sauce, cooking, juice and all purposes. Stores well. Harvest mid-season in late September to early October.

Golden Delicious is sometimes known as Yellow Delicious. It has been a profitable apple for years for commercial growers and maybe that is why it is know known as golden. It was one of Grandpa's and Grandma's favorites for different reasons. Grandpa loved it defines grower friendly and Grandma loved it because it could be used in the kitchen for almost every purpose. It started as a chance seedling of old-time Grimes Golden from West Virginia around 1900.

Golden Delicious will produce regular and heavy annual crops of fine apples if thinned properly. Overload it with lots of small fuit and next years crop will be much less! Thin it early and agressively. The tree is open and spreading and easy to trim and train. It is usually a good pollinator for other varieties, except Gala, Jonagold, and others that have known Golden Delicious heritage. It blooms mid-late season and is quite hardy. One of the easiest and most dependable apples to grow.

Golden yellow
Apple--- Heirloom Varieties