Budding-Grafting Starter Kit - Budding / Grafting Starter Kit
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Budding / Grafting Starter Kit

Budding-Grafting Starter Kit
Grandpa's Starter Budding / Grafting Set
  • Summary
  • Hardiness Zone & More

For the new amateur budder or grafter who may not have the supplies necessary to graft or bud trees.

Consists of 1 Grandpa's Economy Budding or Grafting knives (You can tell us which you would prefer in the notes section when you order), 1 roll of 30mm Bio-Graft tape, and 100 7" Plastrip Budding Tapes.

Grandpa is offering this to novices who may not have a proper tools and supplies and who just wish to "try it out".  Serious backyard nurserymen should consider ordering their equipment new, since each person seems to favor their own favorite types of knives.

MAILED "Priority Mail" SEPARATELY FOR $10--- shipping and handling.