CINCH Blossom Thinning Tool - The

The "CINCH" blossom thinning tool

CINCH Blossom Thinning Tool

The Cinch is a new tool invented by a Michigan fruit grower, Phil Miller, to speed up bloom thinning of stone fruits.

  • »  Great for thinning peach, nectarine and cherry blooms early in the season for better fruit size!

UPS Shipping for these items may be adjusted as our calculator is based on shipping a tree in a larger box than this will likely be shipped in.  This could also be shipped with trees if on the same order.  Let us know your preference.

Grandpa's friend, Phil MIller of Manistee, invented, developed and has patented this amazing concept and tool which tremendously speeds up the process of thinning the fruit.  Used during the pre-bloom to bloom season, the Cinch spins and knocks excess bloom from the tree.  When bloom thinning is done properly, more carbohydrates are available for the remaining blooms and fruit, and better sized fruit is grown on the tree.  The Cinch has been thoroughly tested on peaches, nectarines, and sweet cherry and is easily handled by almost anyone.  Commercial stone fruit growers are quickly adopting the Cinch and are saving thousands of dollars in labor costs, since hand-thinning of peaches and nectarines is very labor intensive and costly.  In addition, hand thinning when the fruit is small doesn't result in as much size improvement as blossom thinning.

Care should be taken not to remove too much bloom, and follow-up thinning by hand is highly recommended to thin out clusters of fruit or reduce excessive fruit set.  If you are in an area that historically has frosty nights during bloom periods, you may wish to be careful when bloom thinning so as to not remove too much bloom, and thus have too little fruit set.

The Cinch easily attaches to any cordless or corded 1/2" chuck drill and with a little practice and experience the used can make quick work of a peach or nectarine tree that is over-loaded with blooms.  Most peaches and nectarines can often have 10 or more times the amount of bloom than what you need to set a nice crop of large, tasty fruit.  Without the proper amount of thinning, you will just grow small fruit. 

The Cinch can also be used to thin the bloom of sweet cherry--- especially if you have sweet cherry on the dwarfing Gisela(R) rootstocks, which tend to be very precocious and set more fruit than the tree can properly mature.  Sweet cherry trees on standard mazzard or mahaleb root may not require thinning with the Cinch though.

Some people have tried bloom thinning apples and pears also, but care should be taken not to damage or cut the leaves of the trees, which start to come out about the same time as the bloom.  At this time, Grandpa doesn't recommend it for apple or pear blossom thinning, since damaging the leaves or strippping leaves off early in the season can possibly result in fire-blight infections and reduced growth.  Experiment carefully if you wish to try it on apples or pears.

The"Cinch" is protected by US and International Patents and trademarks.

Blossom thinning of peaches and nectarines is practiced by many commercial growers.  They know the benefit of increased fruit size when they reduce the amount of blooms early in the season.

CINCH- 3 foot long tool
CINCH- 4 foot long tool
CINCH- 5 foot long tool
Address: P.O. Box 773,
Coloma, MI 49038 Phone: 1-877-800-0077 Web: