Apricot Jam
Difficulty Level: 3
Recipe Source: Grandma Dee
Where To Cook: stove top
Wash apricots. Scald and skin apricots, this is optional. I leave the skins on, they cook down nicely. Cut apricots open, remove pit, and cut into quarters, each half, toss them into a large bowl of cold water with lemon juice this will prevent discoloration and helps with preserving the jam. Use about 2 Tbsps. Lemon juice to every gallon water.
When the bowl is full, toss the fruit so all is exposed to the lemon water. Remove from bowl of lemon water and put into heavy sauce pan. Crush and cook ripe apricots over medium low heat with a little water to prevent sticking. Bring to a boil until apricots are cooked almost smooth, the length of time will depend on how big a batch you are cooking down.
Measure cooked apricots and add 1/2 cup sugar to each cup cooked fruit.
If apricots are super sweet then add a bit of lemon juice for more preservation and discoloring of the fruit, about 1 to 2 tsps. lemon juice to 1 gallon of cooking jam.
Boil until jam is thick, stirring almost constantly. Use pectin as a thickener and a preserver. Use 1 box of pectin for every 5 to 6 cups jam.
Pour into hot sterile jars, wipe rim and seal with hot sterile lids and rings.
Pour into hot sterile jars, wipe rim and seal with hot sterile lids and rings.
Process in hot water bath 10 minutes. Remove from canner, let sit overnight. Next day label and store in a dark cool area.
Serving Information: