We are now accepting orders for Spring 2025.
Spring 2025 Inventory & Pricing is now posted to our website and we are accepting orders for Spring 2025 shipping. We usually start shipping trees around April 10th, while rootstock orders earlier depending on the weather.
As always, you may still order hardgoods such as tree wraps, books, and grafting materials for IMMEDIATE shipment.
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FAQ: When will my trees ship?
Shipping season is a hectic time! We try to start shipping trees at Grandpa’s as early as possible, but there is method to our madness!
Even though spring comes earlier to the South and Southwest, it still comes later for Grandpa’s Orchard here in Michigan. Because the best quality nursery stock is grown in northern climes, like Michigan, Washington, and Pennsylvania, there are weather constraints and limits when our suppliers will ship to us. We try to get all of our trees in as early as possible, but then we have to sort, stage, and tag all the trees so that we can start pulling and packing orders.
We try to get going before April 1st but some years it may start later. If you indicated on your order you needed an earlier or later ship date than we would normally ship to your area, we will certainly try to meet your expectation. Email or call us with any concerns.
Normally, we try to prioritize shipping--- the warmest areas where spring is already happening are first priority. Then we work toward the north and colder areas. It can often take us about three weeks to “catch up” on the orders we have been receiving from last fall through March. Here is a rough listing of how we schedule states in order to accomplish this major task! In a typical year….
Early April: NV, AZ, NM, TX, FL, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, AR, WA, OR, CO, UT
Early-Mid April: TN, KY, MO, OK, KS, VA, WV, NC, DE, NJ, MD
Mid-April: IL, MI, IN, OH, PA, NY, CT, RI, MA
Mid-April to late April: ID, MT, WY, NE, IA
Later April: ND, SD, MN, WI, ME, VT, NH
We always try to accommodate individual requests, so if you have one it is best to email Grandma and explain clearly how we can best help you. We will do our best. COVID has wreaked a little havoc for all sectors of the economy. Shipping costs have risen considerably and supplies of trees are short, so we are selling out rapidly. Please be understanding and kind if you email or phone Grandma. Thank you! ~Grandpa Matt
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Non-plant products can be shipped quickly year around.
- Our most frequently asked questions are right below.
- Many other general FAQs may be answered on the page links below.
- A Growing Tips page may already have the specific info you are looking for. Check there first!
- If you have a particular question we haven't answered, go to the Contact Us page and ask us.
FAQ: How do I set up an account?
Once you have placed an item in your shopping cart and select "Proceed to Checkout", our website will prompt you to either login to an existing account, set up a new account, or checkout as a guest.
FAQ: When do we charge credit cards?
Grandpa's Orchard will be processing credit cards payments upon acknoweledgement of your order. Due to the increased volume of declined cards over the last few years and problems getting a prompt response from customers about credit card issues, we have changed are policy and will be processing payments upon acnknowlement of your order. This will allow our staff to better focus on responding to customer emails and phone calls during our busy and chaotic Spring shipping season, as well as assure swift shipment of orders this Spring. Should a problem arise with fullfillment of a customer order, we will contact the customer regarding any shortages to see if the customer would like to substitute another variety and, if not, a refund will be issue for the shortage.
FAQ: How to I make changes to my order?
Order changes, additions or cancellations may be made by emailing us at All orders cancelled after March 15th will be subject to a 15% restocking fee.
FAQ: What is our warranty and claim process?
We typically warrant our fruit trees to grow and thrive for the first season after they are planted as long as they are taken care of properly and not planted outside of their recommended hardiness zones. If you are having any problem with a tree after planting, please contact us immediately via email at and please sent pictures. We can often help diagnose the problem and help you through it. Warranty claims are due by August 1st of the year the tree was planted. Don't wait until next year to make a claim as trees will either grow and thrive or they won't. Click the terms and policies page for more complete information and how to file a potential claim.
FAQ: Why don't we ship to all areas of the country or out of the US?
Each state in the US seems to have its own particular restrictions and laws pertaining to plants and nursery stock. We try to comply with every state, but some states are so restrictive that we just do not ship to them. Others have restrictions on only certain plants. Go to the Terms and Policies page below for further information. We will ship NO PLANTS to California, Hawaii or out of the country. Other non-plant products can be shipped to all states.
FAQ: How are shipping charges calculated?
We have found UPS to be our most reliable shipper as they will ship to almost everyone. Other shippers may exclude many rural remote areas. UPS charges EXTRA for the large boxes we have to use to ship our large and tall trees in. Other nurseries may ship small trees in smaller boxes, but our tree boxes are almost 60" long and thus get extra length charges. Because they often are light and do not weigh much, almost all are charged by dimensional weights (DIM weights), so shipping charges are based on volume of the box.
Important ordering note: ONE tree will usually cost as much to ship as up to FIVE trees. So ordering more trees on the same shipment is the most economical.
Our shipping calculator is based on the number of TREES shipped, so if you have ordered other products than trees, the shipping charges may seem off. We adjust shipping charges in most cases on products other than trees.
FAQ: Can I pick up my order?
Yes, we offer the option of Customer Pickup, by appointment only. Just select "Customer Pickup" as your shipping option. See below for how to schedule your customer pickup.
FAQ: When will my trees be ready for pick-up?
It is highly encouraged that customers that are requesting a "Customer Pick Up" provide us with a date that they would like to pick up their trees, at the time they place an order, by requesting a date in the “Special Instructions” box during the Checkout Process. Your order is
- If you have already requested a date, you will receive an email from Grandma Lee confirming your date, along with instructions on how and where to pick up your trees.
- If you have NOT requested a date, please email with the date you’d like to pick up your trees. Grandma Lee will email you back confirming the date, along with instructions on how and where to pick up your trees. Your order will not be ready for pickup without a confirmation email, as it is pulled and packed in a box based on your confirmed date.
- Please DO NOT call our storage facility in Watervliet! Their staff CANNOT tell you if you order is ready. They are strictly a storage facility for our trees and do not handle any orders or customer questions. Please call our office at 269-468-7050 or email us at
- Our Customer Pickup option are only available 9am-4pm Monday thru Friday (no weekends) from April 15th thru the end of May, so please plan accordingly. Thank you!