Prunus persica STELLAR® - Risingstar® Peach - STELLAR® - Risingstar® Peach

STELLAR® - Risingstar® Peach

Prunus persica 'STELLAR® - Risingstar® Peach'

Risingstar® ripens about 5-7 days ahead of Red Haven and is a large, round, freestone peach with an 80% rich, red color. Flesh is yellow with a pleasing sugar/acid flavor balance. The tree is spreading and very hardy, with resistance to bacterial spot and canker.

Grandpa was good friends with the breeder of all the Stellar® peaches, who was one of the most prominent peach growers in Michigan. All the Stellar® varieties have "star" in their name for a reason. They are very hardy and beautiful peaches.

Almost all peaches are self-fertile and require no pollinators. They will set heavy crops on single trees, which need heavy and aggressive thinning early in the season for best fruit size. Maintain good vigor in peaches by pruning every year, and fertilizing moderately. Aim for 1-3 feet of new growth a year. Fertilize early in the season, so that growth is well hardened off before fall and winter cold weather. Spray in the fall and winter with copper sprays to protect from leaf curl, and help control canker.

Stellar(R) Risingstar(R) Peach on Standard (Lovell) root - Extra Large 5/8" up caliper grade

Height: 10-14
Spread: 8-12
Zone: 5-8
Color: Dark red
Address: P.O. Box 773,
Coloma, MI 49038 Phone: 1-877-800-0077 Web: